Catching Up: Toronto Adventures

View from the corner of Market & Front Streets Neither of us had been to Toronto, but Wayne's work sent him there for a week in August. I went along to see the city, and of course, eat. The drive from the airport into the city took us past many walkers, runners, cyclists, and rollerbladers making use of trails and parks along the waterfront. Bicycles are treated as a part of the flow of traffic downtown and share the roads with cars. Bike share stations are plentiful, and cyclists are everywhere. Yay bikes! As certified Seattle Coffee Snobs, we expect disappointing coffee when we travel. Our first morning at the hotel brought a pleasant surprise: excellent coffee at Bluestone Lane without leaving the building. There is no comfort like surprisingly good coffee in a strange place (and in a chain coffee shop no less). Random building interior with cute clouds Wandering around during the lunch hour, I saw hundreds of office workers sitting around fountains and in ...